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Starred by the talented actor, Jake Gyllenhaal, Source Code is an action film which centers on a soldier on a mission to locate a bomb that killed hundreds of people in a train. This movie is one of those “time travel” sci-fi attempt to being another view of the concept of time. I won’t be revealing much since I really didn’t like the movie that much.

I expected more, since it billed very high, according to IMDB. I won’t have much of spoilers but he just relives the same moment until his mission is done. He had several trials into which finding out where the bomb was and who planted it. For me, it’s very vague and the details of the time capsule thing, which allows him to travel into a dimension of a different time, wasn’t clearly explained.

The setting, for me is lame, since it recurs and happens over and over again in the train. It’s thrilling, as to which Jake finds the one who set the whole thing up, the terrible mass-killing. The action is good, I’ve seen Jake do action movies and I have no doubt on his skills but there’s just something lacking in this film for me. I give this movie two ratings. For people who love mystery and action, 5/10 which is alright. For people who want deeper things on action flicks, 3/10.